Online Learning Resources

This blog is intended to keep you up-to-date on all the new educational resources on the web. It includes information on online colleges, informal classes, and educational tools and techniques. I'm convinced that the web will help us learn better with a lot less cost.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Thinking about University Degrees Online?

Wanting college credit but don't have time to physically attend class. That's one way that the web is changing education. But as this article points out, you'll want your online degrees to mean something.

The article provided some useful links to make sure an online college is not a scam. First, the U.S. Department of education has created an online search engine for online educational programs. This will ensure the school has accredited programs.

To avoid the "diploma mills" check out the Better Business Bureau page on avoiding fake degrees.

However, in my opinion, I think you shouldn't always assume the more you pay for education, the higher the quality. The web will drastically lower the cost models for education. Unfortunately, most of today's quality online education is still expensive. But keep an eye out for changes.

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